├── src
│ └── Calculator.php
│ └── Util
│ └── Logger.php
namespace src;
// 사용하지 않음 use
use src\Util\Logger;
// 존재하지않는 클래스
use src\Util\NotExist;
// 클래서 다음에 오는 중괄호는 빈줄이 있어야함
class Calculator {
// 생성자에서 사용하지 않는 파라미터
// 함수 다음의 중괄호는 빈줄이 있어야함
// 생성자 함수는 퍼블릭으로 선언되어야함
function __construct($a) {
// 함수에서 사용하지 않는 파라미터
public function plus($a, $b) {
$d = 4; // 사용하지 않는 변수
return $a + $c; // 존재하지 않는 변수
// return 타입이 맞지 않음
public function minus(int $a): string {
return $a;
namespace src\Util;
class Logger {
function log($a) {
echo $a;
$ ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src/ --level=7
2/2 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Line Calculator.php
------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15 Constructor of class src\Calculator has an unused parameter $a.
22 Undefined variable: $c
27 Method src\Calculator::minus() should return string but returns int.
------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Found 3 errors
use Phan\Issue;
return [
'target_php_version' => NULL,
'allow_missing_properties' => false,
'null_casts_as_any_type' => false,
'null_casts_as_array' => false,
'array_casts_as_null' => false,
'scalar_implicit_cast' => false,
'scalar_array_key_cast' => false,
'scalar_implicit_partial' => [],
'strict_method_checking' => true,
'strict_param_checking' => true,
'strict_return_checking' => true,
'ignore_undeclared_variables_in_global_scope' => false,
'ignore_undeclared_functions_with_known_signatures' => false,
'backward_compatibility_checks' => false,
'check_docblock_signature_return_type_match' => true,
'prefer_narrowed_phpdoc_param_type' => true,
'prefer_narrowed_phpdoc_return_type' => true,
'analyze_signature_compatibility' => true,
'phpdoc_type_mapping' => [],
'dead_code_detection' => true,
'unused_variable_detection' => true,
'quick_mode' => false,
'simplify_ast' => true,
'generic_types_enabled' => true,
'globals_type_map' => [],
'minimum_severity' => Issue::SEVERITY_LOW,
'suppress_issue_types' => [],
'exclude_file_regex' => '@^vendor/.*/(tests?|Tests?)/@',
'exclude_file_list' => [],
'exclude_analysis_directory_list' => [
'enable_include_path_checks' => true,
'processes' => 1,
'analyzed_file_extensions' => [
'autoload_internal_extension_signatures' => [],
'plugins' => [
'directory_list' => [
'file_list' => [],
$ ./vendor/bin/phan
[info] Disabling xdebug: Phan is around five times as slow when xdebug is enabled (xdebug only makes sense when debugging Phan itself)
[info] To run Phan with xdebug, set the environment variable PHAN_ALLOW_XDEBUG to 1.
[info] To disable this warning, set the environment variable PHAN_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN to 1.
[info] To include function signatures of xdebug, see .phan/internal_stubs/xdebug.phan_php
[debug] Checking PHAN_ALLOW_XDEBUG
[debug] The xdebug extension is loaded (2.7.0beta1)
[debug] Process restarting (PHAN_ALLOW_XDEBUG=internal|2.7.0beta1|1|*|*)
[debug] Running '/Users/yunseok/.phpbrew/php/php-7.3.0/bin/php' '-n' '-c' '/private/var/folders/cy/l0j4fl8j0_1dn73gq3_04rfw0000gn/T/IpI0ti' './vendor/bin/phan'
src/Calculator.php:6 PhanUnreferencedUseNormal Possibly zero references to use statement for classlike/namespace Logger (\src\Util\Logger)
src/Calculator.php:8 PhanUnreferencedUseNormal Possibly zero references to use statement for classlike/namespace NotExist (\src\Util\NotExist)
src/Calculator.php:11 PhanUnreferencedClass Possibly zero references to class \src\Calculator
src/Calculator.php:15 PhanUnusedPublicMethodParameter Parameter $a is never used
src/Calculator.php:19 PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod Possibly zero references to public method \src\Calculator::plus()
src/Calculator.php:19 PhanUnusedPublicMethodParameter Parameter $b is never used
src/Calculator.php:20 PhanUnusedVariable Unused definition of variable $d
src/Calculator.php:22 PhanUndeclaredVariable Variable $c is undeclared
src/Calculator.php:26 PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod Possibly zero references to public method \src\Calculator::minus()
src/Calculator.php:27 PhanTypeMismatchReturn Returning type int but minus() is declared to return string
src/Util/Logger.php:5 PhanUnreferencedClass Possibly zero references to class \src\Util\Logger
src/Util/Logger.php:6 PhanUnreferencedPublicMethod Possibly zero references to public method \src\Util\Logger::log()
[debug] Restarted process exited 1
$ ./vendor/bin/psalm
Scanning files...
Analyzing files...
INFO: MissingParamType - src/Calculator.php:15:26 - Parameter $a has no provided type
function __construct($a) {
INFO: MissingReturnType - src/Calculator.php:19:21 - Method src\Calculator::plus does not have a return type
public function plus($a, $b) {
INFO: MissingParamType - src/Calculator.php:19:26 - Parameter $a has no provided type
public function plus($a, $b) {
INFO: MissingParamType - src/Calculator.php:19:30 - Parameter $b has no provided type
public function plus($a, $b) {
ERROR: UndefinedVariable - src/Calculator.php:22:21 - Cannot find referenced variable $c
return $a + $c; // 존재하지 않는 변수
INFO: InvalidReturnType - src/Calculator.php:26:36 - The declared return type 'string' for src\Calculator::minus is incorrect, got 'int'
public function minus(int $a): string {
return $a;
INFO: InvalidReturnStatement - src/Calculator.php:27:9 - The type 'int' does not match the declared return type 'string' for src\Calculator::minus
return $a;
INFO: MissingReturnType - src/Util/Logger.php:6:14 - Method src\Util\Logger::log does not have a return type, expecting void
function log($a) {
INFO: MissingParamType - src/Util/Logger.php:6:18 - Parameter $a has no provided type
function log($a) {
1 errors found
8 other issues found.
You can hide them with --show-info=false
Checks took 0.11 seconds and used 28.438MB of memory
Psalm was able to infer types for 66.667% of analyzed code (2 files)
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs src/ --standard=PSR2 --severity=5
FILE: /Users/yunseok/Development/php/src/Util/Logger.php
5 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace of a class must be on the line after the definition
6 | ERROR | [ ] Visibility must be declared on method "log"
6 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace should be on a new line
FILE: /Users/yunseok/Development/php/src/Calculator.php
11 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace of a class must be on the line after the definition
15 | ERROR | [ ] Visibility must be declared on method "__construct"
15 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace should be on a new line
19 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace should be on a new line
26 | ERROR | [x] Opening brace should be on a new line
Time: 47ms; Memory: 6MB
종류 | phpstan | phan | pslam | code sniffer |
사용하지않는 alias | X | O | X | X |
존재하지 않는 alias | X | X | X | X |
PSR2 표준 | X | X | X | X |
생성자에서 사용하지 않는 파라미터 | O | O | X | X |
생성자 함수는 퍼블릭으로 선언되어야함 | X | X | X | O |
함수에서 사용하지 않는 파라미터 | X | O | X | X |
사용하지 않는 변수 | X | O | X | X |
존재하지 않는 변수 사용 | O | O | O | X |
파라미터 리턴타입이 맞지않음 | X | O | O | X |
함수 파라미터, 리턴 타입 있는지 확인 | X | X | O | X |
이 해주는게 가장 많으므로 phan
으로 결정해야겠다.
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